Miglos's service history
Talkootyön Ansiomitali

Participating a squad meeting

Pro Kyllikki

Exemplary service and great favours for LDDK.

Rank: Sotamies
Training: Kiväärimies
Recruited: 10.01.2003
3.1.04 Qualified as Good in RK62 marksmanship test on December 31 2003 with the result of 9.
4.10.03 Awarded with Pro Kyllikki (PK) for high activity and for providing YTHs.
24.8.03 Assigned to Mech Jaeger / 2nd Platoon.
3.5.03 Awarded with Talkootyön Ansiomitali (TA) for participating a squad meeting.
22.1.03 Promoted to Sotamies and assigned to Machine Gunner.
10.1.03 Recruited to LDDK.
Squad Meetings Participated in: 3
(3.5.03, 4.10.03, 5.6.04)