Nyrkki's service history
Talkootyön Ansiomitali

Participating a squad meeting

Rank: Sotamies
Training: Kiväärimies
Recruited: 14.06.2001
9.3.07 Promoted to Sotamies and assigned to Mech Jaeger / 2nd Platoon.
25.2.07 Awarded with Talkootyön Ansiomitali (TA) for participating in a squad meeting.
23.2.07 Started a new military career waiving prior rank of Alikersantti.
4.2.02 Transferred to Kyllikki Air Force (KAF).
11.9.01 Promoted to Alikersantti.
10.8.01 Assigned to Officer and promoted to Korpraali.
4.7.01 Promoted to Sotamies.
14.6.01 Recruited to LDDK.
Squad Meetings Participated in: 1