PeteDad's service history
Talkootyön Ansiomitali

Participating a squad meeting


Exemplary service

Rank: Korpraali
Training: Kiväärimies
Recruited: 25.09.2003
7.9.09 Reserves
4.8.09 Qualified in RK95 marksmanship test on January 28 2009.
6.12.06 Awarded with 2nd Kuntoisuusloma (KL) for exemplary service.
4.6.06 Promoted to Korpraali.
21.8.05 Awarded with Talkootyön Ansiomitali (TA) for participating in a squad meeting.
18.6.05 Qualified as Good in RK62 marksmanship test on June 18 2005 with the result of 10.
24.1.05 Awarded with Kuntoisuusloma (KL) for bravery in combat in the South East of Al Maldajah on January 16 2005.
27.4.04 Qualified in RK62 marksmanship test on April 26 2004.
20.10.03 Promoted to Sotamies and assigned to Jääkäri.
25.9.03 Recruited to LDDK.
Squad Meetings Participated in: 9
(21.8.05, 2.10.05, 27.1.08, 1.2.09, 5.2.10, 11.2.12, 2.3.14, 4.6.16, 15.2.20)