Scottz's service history
Talkootyön Ansiomitali

Participating a squad meeting


Exemplary service

4. Luokan Vapaudenristi

Cross of Freedom 4th Class

Rank: Vänrikki
Training: Sissi/Tiedustelija
Recruited: 30.01.2012
2.6.24 Vänr Scottz was awarded Kyllikin 3. luokan taisteluristi (KTR 3. lk) for exceptional leadership in combat. A capable leader of a force of any size, vänr Scottz’s decisions are logical and tactically sound, which shows as repeated success in the battlefield especially when combined with great perseverance in carrying out any task he has been given.
31.3.24 Awarded with the Kavala Liberation Ribbon in Gold for his full and active participation in the liberation of Kavala in February and March of 2024.
24.1.24 Awarded Viikonloppuvapaa (VLV) for delivering most valuable prisoners to the HQ during a focused effort to capture enemy combatant in 2023.
10.6.23 Awarded with the rank of Nuotiopäällikkö for participating 20 squad meetings.
4.6.23 Awarded with the 2nd Class Marksmanship Ribbon for high quality marksmanship.
6.12.22 Awarded with the 10-year service ribbon in recognition of his long and active service.
6.12.21 Promoted to Vänrikki (vänr) and assigned to Platoon XO.
2.10.21 Assigned to the Scout Sniper Team "Susi" as the Team Leader.
14.8.21 Vääp Scottz was awarded with Vapaudenristi (VR4) for his leadership capabilities during his last two posts as an LDDK squad leader in the last five years. When under Scottz's command, any squad has far more often than not participated in full and not only succeeded but excelled in the tasks it was given.
15.2.21 Awarded with the Eastern Eggs Campaign Ribbon, for taking part in the fierce battles of a potential World War 3 in Weferlingen, Germany.
4.6.20 Promoted to Vääpeli (vääp).
8.12.19 Completed a 20-kilometre foot march in 2.5 hours in Livonia on 6 December 2019 in celebration of the 102nd Finnish Independence Day
4.6.19 Awarded with 3rd Kuntoisuusloma (KL) for exemplary service.
25.09.18 Assigned to the 2nd Squad as the Squad Leader.
4.6.18 Promoted to Ylikersantti (ylik).
6.12.17 Awarded with the 5-year service ribbon in recognition of his long and active service.
3.6.17 Awarded with the Bronze Dollar Ribbon for actively participating in Operation Raw Deal III on the island of Altis in the spring of 2016.
24.1.17 Awarded with the Men of Tanoa Ribbon with Golden Anchors for taking part in every combat mission in the campaign conducted in the Tanoa region in January 2017.
6.12.16 Awarded with the Marksmanship Ribbon for the Detachmental Marksmanship Competition of 2016.
6.12.16 Promoted to Kersantti (kers).
26.6.16 Assigned to the Heavy Squad (3R) as the Squad Leader.
30.3.16 Awarded with the 1000-Tales Service Ribbon with stars for taking part in all of the missions in the campaign conducted in Altis.
30.3.16 Awarded with the Raw Deal II service ribbon in recognition for his service in the campaign
31.3.15 Awarded with the Fallschirmjäger-ribbon with the KSK-insignia and the diamonds for participating all the missions of the campaign.
7.12.14 Promoted to Alikersantti (alik).
4.6.14 Awarded with 2nd Kuntoisuusloma (KL) for exemplary service.
4.6.14 Awarded with the Squad Leader Training Ribbon for active participation in the Squad Leader Course of 2013-2014.
7.4.14 Awarded with the 9. ROTA Service Ribbon with the Stars for taking part in every combat mission during the campaign conducted in Takistan in 2014 from February till April.
4.6.13 Promoted to Korpraali (korpr).
30.3.13 Awarded with the Operation Bakery Service Ribbon with the Stars for taking part in every combat mission during the campaign conducted in Chernarus in 2013 from January till March.
6.12.12 Awarded with the Operation Valhalla Service Ribbon for participating in all campaign missions in Chernarus in September-November 2012.
6.12.12 Awarded with Kuntoisuusloma (KL) for exemplary service.
8.3.12 Promoted to Sotamies and assigned to the MBT squad as Tank Crew.
11.2.12 Awarded with Talkootyön Ansiomitali (TA) for participating in a squad meeting.
30.1.12 Recruited to LDDK.

Squad Meetings Participated in: 20
(11.2.12, 20.10.12, 9.2.13, 11.6.13, 27.9.13, 2.3.14, 12.6.14, 13.3.15, 13.6.15, 4.6.16, 30.9.16, 15.7.17, 3.3.18, 11.8.18, 17.8.19, 15.2.20, 14.8.21, 27.11.21, 11.6.22, 10.6.23)