Kuntoisuusloma - How?

English discussion about Arma III and LDD Kyllikki

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Post by Junkers » Tue, 27.7.2004, 22.15

How can you spend your kuntoisuuslomat in LDD Kyllikki? Or is it just formal?
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Post by Psykoisi » Wed, 28.7.2004, 13.31

Just a formal recognition to a soldier for his dedicated service or going beyond the call of duty.
Kapteeni Psykoisi - Detachment XO

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Post by Broileri » Wed, 28.7.2004, 13.47

First, you fill in three copies of the service leave application. Next, it has to be okayed by the company first sergeant. Once the 1SG has confirmed you have an unused leave left, you present the application to your platoon leader. Should the platoon CO accept your leave, i.e. there's no necessary training or other extra obligation in the platoon that would require everyone to be present or your presence per se, you take it to the company commander. The company CO finally decides whether the service leave is accepted or not on the grounds of the detachment's overall strength and tasks during the next few days; if in combat readiness, no leaves are allowed. Having been processed, typically after some days, the service leave application will be delivered to the front desk (1SG in field conditions) where you will need to collect it. Accepted and signed by both the platoon leader and the company commander, the completed service leave application form (together with your army ID card) needs to be carried in your person at all times during the leave and presented to a ranking officer or the MP's if requested.
Just a formal recognition to a soldier for his dedicated service or going beyond the call of duty.

Of course, that is the short way of putting it.
maj Broileri, CO
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Post by Taku » Wed, 28.7.2004, 15.06

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Post by Junkers » Wed, 28.7.2004, 18.22

Pers´nally, I was granted 2 KLs in the army. I served 180 days, so I had 6 HLs. However, I used 4 KLs, 7 HLs and 4 HSLs, and retired from the service exactly the same time as others did. Naturally I used the one remaining KL and the one remaining HL to have a "vacation" on the next monday and tuesday after the "vacation" on weekend(VLV).
Someone, apparently in the confusion when I changed companies, had somehow screwed, and I got 3 extra vacations, and I didnt even believe they would work, and just tried one day if I could get a KL to lenghten my VLV, and they gave it to me. When the end in the army was nearing, I went to check with the commander that I really had 2 vacations left on the computer and tried to act unsurprised and unjolly. And fortunately, I could pay my 4 HSLs with 2VLV and 2KL&HL I really shouldnt have.

And Im pretty proud of it. If you screw up, you get punished, FDF.

Post by 66-1089635112 » Wed, 28.7.2004, 20.39

KL =kölli
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Post by jafarin » Fri, 13.8.2004, 0.05

KL = KahviLippu (coffee ticket)

Soldier get free coffee from sotilaskoti with this KL.

Post by 66-1089635112 » Mon, 23.8.2004, 15.51

KL is kölli, but it's also huijarikölli
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Post by BEAT!! » Tue, 24.8.2004, 13.59

KL= Käytävän lakaisu
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Post by Hawk » Tue, 24.8.2004, 17.21

Ok this is International forum. :D

Post by 66-1089635112 » Fri, 27.8.2004, 18.46

RK= rastikoulutus EEK!

Post by 74-1099123974 » Sat, 30.10.2004, 11.28

I had 14 KLs in army, and I served 362 days.

Post by 66-1089635112 » Sat, 13.11.2004, 19.57

good for you Jucca, some of our guys got the same (about). We served 180 days in Heavy Antitank squad. Carrying 1xApilas 112mm,2xKes,1-2Telamiina + Gun, battlebelt(tstvyö) +equipment (rojut)

I had huge muscular power after army, but now only one of my muscles has grown. Its my belly muscle. :D
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